Welcome to our website!
It is a great pleasure for us to live our daily life around cats. I love cats since i know my mind. At that time they were indoor cats, but their intelligence and kindness made me obsessed with cats. I used to have a cat when I was a child and he always woke me up before school and i had his company during the walk to the school. Unfortunately, we live in a fairly busy place, and eventually I lost him. Therefore, I made a decision, that when I grow up I will have indoor cats.
The Persian variety has been my choice, for me they are the most beautiful kittens.
I would like to present our cats, who live with us, and make every day more colourful with their affection, play and kindness. Our cats came to us from Hungary, Algeria, Germany and Belgium.
Our cattery is placed in the UK, Northamptonshire
Our goal is to gove a healthy, well-socialized and beautiful cats to prospective farmers, a real family member, a kitten, so the Persian as a breed is so well-loved.